Corrupt Solicitors Chester | Corrupt Solicitors England.

Shutting up a witness to a crime to pervert a court case for $

My mother says Mr Woodside hit her & the court expert witness said this was true.
I am disputing the wills done by Mr Woodside which Bartlett gains by force the sale
of my mother’s home which he undervalued by 700,000 & put 100,000 care bills (in court 2018)
which I investigated & then he said 800 (in court 2019). He buys law firms to control Wills…
Dr Bland drugged my mother, and he was struck off in 2018 as a pedo
My mother was clearly murdered in 2015, and others see the new evidence.

I am disputing the Wills, and this is a court issue which Bartlett is trying to shut me up on…
a lawyer who took by force control of my mother’s Will,
knew they were altered for dispute that he gains and knows the people who killed my mother.

As part of the court case is the dispute over the Wills which was that they were done by coercion,
e.g. Mr Woodside who hit my mother to change the Wills.
How can it be allowed that these lawyers involved in a court case where they try and shut people up about the truth
so they can try and win the court case by hiding the murder of my mother.
Also other elderly said they had the same people doing it to them and too afraid to ask for help as police not helping

Before my mother’s murder, Chester police tried to shut me up…as MA (police detective Michael Anklers) gains by this and knew Dr Bland. Also avoid Police Detective: DS Nomdedeu who works with children!!!!

Mr. Bartlett is already reported in the March the 6th in 2006 by the Law Society File No 8751-2003


Letter from lawyers who try and shut me up from 2019. Click to open up and zoom in…


Then if you look at website reviews


Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, states that:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Also it is in the public’s interest they know if there is harm that could happen to them (ECHR).
I also see this web site and my expression protected as ART and I have a right to express it.


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